Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My current weight status

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been struggling with my weight for almost past year and a bit more.
I have been working out since November 2008 but I did take a lot of breaks in between but those breaks only made me eat more to cover the times when I was working out. So, effectively I worked out for an year.

In this work out year I lost 22 kg from the 102 that I had accumulated. It was not easy. For a person like me who loves not exercising it was a great effort. It was an even greater effort on my trainer's side who continuously kept working with me on this marathon effort. I need to loose another 14 kgs to be good according to my bone weight.

When we began, I had trouble walking even 500mts in one go.

My trainer for the first week took me round the park for 2 kms of walk each day just to get my rusted muscles going. It was grueling to say the least.

In week 3, we went to start skipping and small jumps and crunches.

Week 5, she started me on basic aerobics and lesser weights of about 2 pounds.

I was completely immobile after my work outs for the first 5 weeks. I would just reach my office and plonk on the chair and even bio breaks were a living hell. My whole body ached in places I did not know I had. I had lumps in chest, cramps in calf muscles and killer pain in my shoulders. To say the least, I was in living hell. Only one thing kept me going and that was that I knew there were very high bets against my loosing weight. Everyone I know of, thought and believed that I was on one of my whims and it would be hardly any time before I would quit. My trainer says when she began with me, she was v sure I would not be able to keep up looking at my raging fitness level :)

She had prayed to God that if I am unable to cope, I should say No to her by myself instead of her telling me that she will be unable to make me loose any weight.

All I can say is that it took every little effort on my side and hers to continue the hard work. At the end of 2 months, I was 7 kgs lighter and looking loads better. It was a terrific triumph.

I continued on with the work out but the weight loss then got slower and slower. I started deviating from healthy eating and good eating habits. Since I was paying by the class, I started taking breaks and very frequent ones. There came a time when my trainer told me in May 2009 that we should take a break from the work out as she was not happy with me.
That same evening, I went though a totally unexpected break up. I thought he and me were going well and we were heading somewhere when his parents declined his marrying me. I know it is not a known phenomenon to the western readers but in India, parents play a vital role in marriages. I was devastated. Utterly and completely. It was like two of the biggest life supports had fallen off.

I did what any sane person would do and convinced my trainer to persevere with me. I had to privy her to my state of affairs, no other way. We did keep at working out though with long gaps of 4 - 5 days in between but just did not let go of the work out completely.
In January, February 2010 we took a complete break as my trainer was traveling to Australia for pleasure. We got back in serious business from 1st March 2010 and have done intense workouts these 4 months.

The problem is now my weight has got stuck, what should I do ? Are there any ways to get over the weight loss plateaus ? Any diet I should follow (I am a vegetarian) ? Anything that I should do, do please let me know...... I am at my wit's end and need your help...

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