Sunday, November 6, 2011

A saturday spent just as I like it .....

I had a lovely saturday !!

I wanted to just chill and have fun and feel good.

Morning was lovely, cool and chilled and spent on couch with tea. newspaper, cooked breakfast, pleasent breeze blowing in from terrace and a relaxed frame of mind.

One of my cousin brothers is getting married in 2 weeks. He was in town for his last minute clothes trials and just be here to meet his fiance. While he did his trials with my aunt and her family, I got a hair cut and an awesome hair spa. Made me and my hair breathe :)

Had a very late lunch at about 5.30 pm and went and bought some lovely shades. My eyes are running this weird eye infection that is turning out v irritating just by the being continous. I am recommended some powerful sun shades. I ended up buying a super expensive pair.

The day was completed with watching a movie in a theater just behind our house.

All in all a nice day :)

How was your day / weekend ?

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