Friday, July 2, 2010

Birthday Weekend

This is my B'day weekend.
Being born on the 4th of July, I share it with US and a fellow blogger Isabelle. Happy B'day to you Isabelle !

Introspection on my b'days is a usual thing for last 5 - 6 years. I always end up evaluating what I did in past year and what I should be doing in the coming.
In the coming year, I am very much after changing my single status. Thats the gift I need from God and I need all your best wishes !

I love birthdays but find it v sad to grow one more year still a single woman.
I know, I have a happy full life but it would have been nice if I had that certain some one to share the special days / moments with !

On a happy note, both my sisters and my adorable niece are coming over to celebrate by bday. They are coming 2 days early and will continue to be in Delhi till 6th. On 7th we all drive down to the hometown to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday !

It is after 6 years that all 3 of us are together and I am really looking forwards to the weekend with delight !

This time last year, I was struggling to keep up a relationship which was taking its last breaths and that too only because I was giving it resuscication.

My ex's mother and I shared our birthday and she really hated thatso much so it is not hard to imagine her hating me sharing her son's life :)

However, on this birthday, I have no worries about things like past year and I am really looking forwards to spending the day with people I love the best.

Thank You God for a WONDERFUL family. I do not say it often enough but I am doing so now.

Thank You so MUCH !


  1. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and family get together.xx

  2. Oh, happy birthday, STG. We're twins... give or take a few decades, I imagine!

  3. hello, nice to be introduced to a new blog.
    2kg is about 1 pound (roughly). There are 14 pounds in a stone. Took maybe just under a year to lose that.
